_G {[)^OCF(Y+6tOy lT|DF]*  b"Qo U# `vg1/"~9~9 J~9J~9Ѕ~9~9~9 ~9p~9p~9`~9~9~9@~9~9Н~9 ~9~9~9~9 ~9`~9@$~9 ~9~9~9 ~9C~9@~9p~9~9Т~9~9~9`=~98~9L~9@/~9P/~9F~9/~91~98~96~94~9p8~9p6~9G~9H~9G~9p8~9G~9~90~9@/~9P/~9 ~9P~9P~98~96~94~9p8~9@~9G~9H~9G~9p8~9G~9P~9~9 ~9P/~9F~9~91~90;~96~90~9~9p,~9:~9@:~9:~9:~9G~9H~9 H~9P~9~9 ~9P/~9F~9~91~9`~96~90~9~9p,~9~9`~9~9pL~9@~9H~9 H~9PM~9@`~9PI~9P/~90M~9/~91~9N~96~94~9p8~9p6~9G~9H~9G~9p8~9G~9H~9 H~9~9@x~9~9`~9~9P~9P~9~96~94~9p8~9@~9G~9H~9G~9p8~9G~9H~9 H~9~9p~9~9`~9~9P~9P~9~96~94~9p8~9@~9G~9H~9G~9p8~9G~9H~9 H~9P~9~9@~9`~9 ~9`~9@~9~96~9`~9~9pB~9~9`~9~9 ~9@~9H~9 H~9P~9~9~9`~9 ~9`~9@~9~96~9`~9~9pB~9~9`~9~9~9@~9H~9 H~9P~9~9~9`~9 ~9`~9@~9~96~90~9~9pB~9~9`~9~9 ~9@~9H~9$reservedMemory; private static $toStringException; private static $silencedErrorCache = []; private static $silencedErrorCount = 0; private static $exitCode = 0; /** * Registers the error handler. */ public static function register(?self $handler = null, bool $replace = true): self { if (null === self::$reservedMemory) { self::$reservedMemory = str_repeat('x', 32768); register_shutdown_function(__CLASS__.'::handleFatalError'); } if ($handlerIsNew = null === $handler) { $handler = new static(); } if (null === $prev = set_error_handler([$handler, 'handleError'])) { restore_error_handler(); // Specifying the error types earlier would expose us to https://bugs.php.net/63206 set_error_handler([$handler, 'handleError'], $handler->thrownErrors | $handler->loggedErrors); $handler->isRoot = true; } if ($handlerIsNew && \is_array($prev) && $prev[0] instanceof self) { $handler = $prev[0]; $replace = false; } if (!$replace && $prev) { restore_error_handler(); $handlerIsRegistered = \is_array($prev) && $handler === $prev[0]; } else { $handlerIsRegistered = true; } if (\is_array($prev = set_exception_handler([$handler, 'handleException'])) && $prev[0] instanceof self) { restore_exception_handler(); if (!$handlerIsRegistered) { $handler = $prev[0]; } elseif ($handler !== $prev[0] && $replace) { set_exception_handler([$handler, 'handleException']); $p = $prev[0]->setExceptionHandler(null); $handler->setExceptionHandler($p); $prev[0]->setExceptionHandler($p); } } else { $handler->setExceptionHandler($prev ?? [$handler, 'renderException']); } $handler->throwAt(\E_ALL & $handler->thrownErrors, true); return $handler; } /** * Calls a function and turns any PHP error into \ErrorException. * * @return mixed What $function(...$arguments) returns * * @throws \ErrorException When $function(...$arguments) triggers a PHP error */ public static function call(callable $function, ...$arguments) { set_error_handler(static function (int $type, string $message, string $file, int $line) { if (__FILE__ === $file) { $trace = debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 3); $file = $trace[2]['file'] ?? $file; $line = $trace[2]['line'] ?? $line; } throw new \ErrorException($message, 0, $type, $file, $line); }); try { return $function(...$arguments); } finally { restore_error_handler(); } } public function __construct(?BufferingLogger $bootstrappingLogger = null, bool $debug = false) { if ($bootstrappingLogger) { $this->bootstrappingLogger = $bootstrappingLogger; $this->setDefaultLogger($bootstrappingLogger); } $traceReflector = new \ReflectionProperty(\Exception::class, 'trace'); $traceReflector->setAccessible(true); $this->configureException = \Closure::bind(static function ($e, $trace, $file = null, $line = null) use ($traceReflector) { $traceReflector->setValue($e, $trace); $e->file = $file ?? $e->file; $e->line = $line ?? $e->line; }, null, new class() extends \Exception { }); $this->debug = $debug; } /** * Sets a logger to non assigned errors levels. * * @param LoggerInterface $logger A PSR-3 logger to put as default for the given levels * @param array|int|null $levels An array map of E_* to LogLevel::* or an integer bit field of E_* constants * @param bool $replace Whether to replace or not any existing logger */ public function setDefaultLogger(LoggerInterface $logger, $levels = \E_ALL, bool $replace = false): void { $loggers = []; if (\is_array($levels)) { foreach ($levels as $type => $logLevel) { if (empty($this->loggers[$type][0]) || $replace || $this->loggers[$type][0] === $this->bootstrappingLogger) { $loggers[$type] = [$logger, $logLevel]; } } } else { if (null === $levels) { $levels = \E_ALL; } foreach ($this->loggers as $type => $log) { if (($type & $levels) && (empty($log[0]) || $replace || $log[0] === $this->bootstrappingLogger)) { $log[0] = $logger; $loggers[$type] = $log; } } } $this->setLoggers($loggers); } /** * Sets a logger for each error level. * * @param array $loggers Error levels to [LoggerInterface|null, LogLevel::*] map * * @return array The previous map * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function setLoggers(array $loggers): array { $prevLogged = $this->loggedErrors; $prev = $this->loggers; $flush = []; foreach ($loggers as $type => $log) { if (!isset($prev[$type])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown error type: '.$type); } if (!\is_array($log)) { $log = [$log]; } elseif (!\array_key_exists(0, $log)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('No logger provided.'); } if (null === $log[0]) { $this->loggedErrors &= ~$type; } elseif ($log[0] instanceof LoggerInterface) { $this->loggedErrors |= $type; } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid logger provided.'); } $this->loggers[$type] = $log + $prev[$type]; if ($this->bootstrappingLogger && $prev[$type][0] === $this->bootstrappingLogger) { $flush[$type] = $type; } } $this->reRegister($prevLogged | $this->thrownErrors); if ($flush) { foreach ($this->bootstrappingLogger->cleanLogs() as $log) { $type = ThrowableUtils::getSeverity($log[2]['exception']); if (!isset($flush[$type])) { $this->bootstrappingLogger->log($log[0], $log[1], $log[2]); } elseif ($this->loggers[$type][0]) { $this->loggers[$type][0]->log($this->loggers[$type][1], $log[1], $log[2]); } } } return $prev; } /** * Sets a user exception handler. * * @param callable(\Throwable $e)|null $handler * * @return callable|null The previous exception handler */ public function setExceptionHandler(?callable $handler): ?callable { $prev = $this->exceptionHandler; $this->exceptionHandler = $handler; return $prev; } /** * Sets the PHP error levels that throw an exception when a PHP error occurs. * * @param int $levels A bit field of E_* constants for thrown errors * @param bool $replace Replace or amend the previous value * * @return int The previous value */ public function throwAt(int $levels, bool $replace = false): int { $prev = $this->thrownErrors; $this->thrownErrors = ($levels | \E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR | \E_USER_ERROR) & ~\E_USER_DEPRECATED & ~\E_DEPRECATED; if (!$replace) { $this->thrownErrors |= $prev; } $this->reRegister($prev | $this->loggedErrors); return $prev; } /** * Sets the PHP error levels for which local variables are preserved. * * @param int $levels A bit field of E_* constants for scoped errors * @param bool $replace Replace or amend the previous value * * @return int The previous value */ public function scopeAt(int $levels, bool $replace = false): int { $prev = $this->scopedErrors; $this->scopedErrors = $levels; if (!$replace) { $this->scopedErrors |= $prev; } return $prev; } /** * Sets the PHP error levels for which the stack trace is preserved. * * @param int $levels A bit field of E_* constants for traced errors * @param bool $replace Replace or amend the previous value * * @return int The previous value */ public function traceAt(int $levels, bool $replace = false): int { $prev = $this->tracedErrors; $this->tracedErrors = $levels; if (!$replace) { $this->tracedErrors |= $prev; } return $prev; } /** * Sets the error levels where the @-operator is ignored. * * @param int $levels A bit field of E_* constants for screamed errors * @param bool $replace Replace or amend the previous value * * @return int The previous value */ public function screamAt(int $levels, bool $replace = false): int { $prev = $this->screamedErrors; $this->screamedErrors = $levels; if (!$replace) { $this->screamedErrors |= $prev; } return $prev; } /** * Re-registers as a PHP error handler if levels changed. */ private function reRegister(int $prev): void { if ($prev !== ($this->thrownErrors | $this->loggedErrors)) { $handler = set_error_handler('is_int'); $handler = \is_array($handler) ? $handler[0] : null; restore_error_handler(); if ($handler === $this) { restore_error_handler(); if ($this->isRoot) { set_error_handler([$this, 'handleError'], $this->thrownErrors | $this->loggedErrors); } else { set_error_handler([$this, 'handleError']); } } } } /** * Handles errors by filtering then logging them according to the configured bit fields. * * @return bool Returns false when no handling happens so that the PHP engine can handle the error itself * * @throws \ErrorException When $this->thrownErrors requests so * * @internal */ public function handleError(int $type, string $message, string $file, int $line): bool { if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70300 && \E_WARNING === $type && '"' === $message[0] && false !== strpos($message, '" targeting switch is equivalent to "break')) { $type = \E_DEPRECATED; } // Level is the current error reporting level to manage silent error. $level = error_reporting(); $silenced = 0 === ($level & $type); // Strong errors are not authorized to be silenced. $level |= \E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR | \E_USER_ERROR | \E_DEPRECATED | \E_USER_DEPRECATED; $log = $this->loggedErrors & $type; $throw = $this->thrownErrors & $type & $level; $type &= $level | $this->screamedErrors; // Never throw on warnings triggered by assert() if (\E_WARNING === $type && 'a' === $message[0] && 0 === strncmp($message, 'assert(): ', 10)) { $throw = 0; } if (!$type || (!$log && !$throw)) { return false; } $logMessage = $this->levels[$type].': '.$message; if (null !== self::$toStringException) { $errorAsException = self::$toStringException; self::$toStringException = null; } elseif (!$throw && !($type & $level)) { if (!isset(self::$silencedErrorCache[$id = $file.':'.$line])) { $lightTrace = $this->tracedErrors & $type ? $this->cleanTrace(debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 5), $type, $file, $line, false) : []; $errorAsException = new SilencedErrorContext($type, $file, $line, isset($lightTrace[1]) ? [$lightTrace[0]] : $lightTrace); } elseif (isset(self::$silencedErrorCache[$id][$message])) { $lightTrace = null; $errorAsException = self::$silencedErrorCache[$id][$message]; ++$errorAsException->count; } else { $lightTrace = []; $errorAsException = null; } if (100 < ++self::$silencedErrorCount) { self::$silencedErrorCache = $lightTrace = []; self::$silencedErrorCount = 1; } if ($errorAsException) { self::$silencedErrorCache[$id][$message] = $errorAsException; } if (null === $lightTrace) { return true; } } else { if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 80303 && false !== strpos($message, '@anonymous')) { $backtrace = debug_backtrace(false, 5); for ($i = 1; isset($backtrace[$i]); ++$i) { if (isset($backtrace[$i]['function'], $backtrace[$i]['args'][0]) && ('trigger_error' === $backtrace[$i]['function'] || 'user_error' === $backtrace[$i]['function']) ) { if ($backtrace[$i]['args'][0] !== $message) { $message = $backtrace[$i]['args'][0]; } break; } } } if (false !== strpos($message, "@anonymous\0")) { $message = $this->parseAnonymousClass($message); $logMessage = $this->levels[$type].': '.$message; } $errorAsException = new \ErrorException($logMessage, 0, $type, $file, $line); if ($throw || $this->tracedErrors & $type) { $backtrace = $errorAsException->getTrace(); $lightTrace = $this->cleanTrace($backtrace, $type, $file, $line, $throw); ($this->configureException)($errorAsException, $lightTrace, $file, $line); } else { ($this->configureException)($errorAsException, []); $backtrace = []; } } if ($throw) { if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 70400 && \E_USER_ERROR & $type) { for ($i = 1; isset($backtrace[$i]); ++$i) { if (isset($backtrace[$i]['function'], $backtrace[$i]['type'], $backtrace[$i - 1]['function']) && '__toString' === $backtrace[$i]['function'] && '->' === $backtrace[$i]['type'] && !isset($backtrace[$i - 1]['class']) && ('trigger_error' === $backtrace[$i - 1]['function'] || 'user_error' === $backtrace[$i - 1]['function']) ) { // Here, we know trigger_error() has been called from __toString(). // PHP triggers a fatal error when throwing from __toString(). // A small convention allows working around the limitation: // given a caught $e exception in __toString(), quitting the method with // `return trigger_error($e, E_USER_ERROR);` allows this error handler // to make $e get through the __toString() barrier. $context = 4 < \func_num_args() ? (func_get_arg(4) ?: []) : []; foreach ($context as $e) { if ($e instanceof \Throwable && $e->__toString() === $message) { self::$toStringException = $e; return true; } } // Display the original error message instead of the default one. $exitCode = self::$exitCode; try { $this->handleException($errorAsException); } finally { self::$exitCode = $exitCode; } // Stop the process by giving back the error to the native handler. return false; } } } throw $errorAsException; } if ($this->isRecursive) { $log = 0; } else { if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 70400 ? 70316 : 70404)) { $currentErrorHandler = set_error_handler('is_int'); restore_error_handler(); } try { $this->isRecursive = true; $level = ($type & $level) ? $this->loggers[$type][1] : LogLevel::DEBUG; $this->loggers[$type][0]->log($level, $logMessage, $errorAsException ? ['exception' => $errorAsException] : []); } finally { $this->isRecursive = false; if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 70400 ? 70316 : 70404)) { set_error_handler($currentErrorHandler); } } } return !$silenced && $type && $log; } /** * Handles an exception by logging then forwarding it to another handler. * * @internal */ public function handleException(\Throwable $exception) { $handlerException = null; if (!$exception instanceof FatalError) { self::$exitCode = 255; $type = ThrowableUtils::getSeverity($exception); } else { $type = $exception->getError()['type']; } if ($this->loggedErrors & $type) { if (false !== strpos($message = $exception->getMessage(), "@anonymous\0")) { $message = $this->parseAnonymousClass($message); } if ($exception instanceof FatalError) { $message = 'Fatal '.$message; } elseif ($exception instanceof \Error) { $message = 'Uncaught Error: '.$message; } elseif ($exception instanceof \ErrorException) { $message = 'Uncaught '.$message; } else { $message = 'Uncaught Exception: '.$message; } try { $this->loggers[$type][0]->log($this->loggers[$type][1], $message, ['exception' => $exception]); } catch (\Throwable $handlerException) { } } if (!$exception instanceof OutOfMemoryError) { foreach ($this->getErrorEnhancers() as $errorEnhancer) { if ($e = $errorEnhancer->enhance($exception)) { $exception = $e; break; } } } $exceptionHandler = $this->exceptionHandler; $this->exceptionHandler = [$this, 'renderException']; if (null === $exceptionHandler || $exceptionHandler === $this->exceptionHandler) { $this->exceptionHandler = null; } try { if (null !== $exceptionHandler) { return $exceptionHandler($exception); } $handlerException = $handlerException ?: $exception; } catch (\Throwable $handlerException) { } if ($exception === $handlerException && null === $this->exceptionHandler) { self::$reservedMemory = null; // Disable the fatal error handler throw $exception; // Give back $exception to the native handler } $loggedErrors = $this->loggedErrors; if ($exception === $handlerException) { $this->loggedErrors &= ~$type; } try { $this->handleException($handlerException); } finally { $this->loggedErrors = $loggedErrors; } } /** * Shutdown registered function for handling PHP fatal errors. * * @param array|null $error An array as returned by error_get_last() * * @internal */ public static function handleFatalError(?array $error = null): void { if (null === self::$reservedMemory) { return; } $handler = self::$reservedMemory = null; $handlers = []; $previousHandler = null; $sameHandlerLimit = 10; while (!\is_array($handler) || !$handler[0] instanceof self) { $handler = set_exception_handler('is_int'); restore_exception_handler(); if (!$handler) { break; } restore_exception_handler(); if ($handler !== $previousHandler) { array_unshift($handlers, $handler); $previousHandler = $handler; } elseif (0 === --$sameHandlerLimit) { $handler = null; break; } } foreach ($handlers as $h) { set_exception_handler($h); } if (!$handler) { if (null === $error && $exitCode = self::$exitCode) { register_shutdown_function('register_shutdown_function', function () use ($exitCode) { exit($exitCode); }); } return; } if ($handler !== $h) { $handler[0]->setExceptionHandler($h); } $handler = $handler[0]; $handlers = []; if ($exit = null === $error) { $error = error_get_last(); } if ($error && $error['type'] &= \E_PARSE | \E_ERROR | \E_CORE_ERROR | \E_COMPILE_ERROR) { // Let's not throw anymore but keep logging $handler->throwAt(0, true); $trace = $error['backtrace'] ?? null; if (0 === strpos($error['message'], 'Allowed memory') || 0 === strpos($error['message'], 'Out of memory')) { $fatalError = new OutOfMemoryError($handler->levels[$error['type']].': '.$error['message'], 0, $error, 2, false, $trace); } else { $fatalError = new FatalError($handler->levels[$error['type']].': '.$error['message'], 0, $error, 2, true, $trace); } } else { $fatalError = null; } try { if (null !== $fatalError) { self::$exitCode = 255; $handler->handleException($fatalError); } } catch (FatalError $e) { // Ignore this re-throw } if ($exit && $exitCode = self::$exitCode) { register_shutdown_function('register_shutdown_function', function () use ($exitCode) { exit($exitCode); }); } } /** * Renders the given exception. * * As this method is mainly called during boot where nothing is yet available, * the output is always either HTML or CLI depending where PHP runs. */ private function renderException(\Throwable $exception): void { $renderer = \in_array(\PHP_SAPI, ['cli', 'phpdbg'], true) ? new CliErrorRenderer() : new HtmlErrorRenderer($this->debug); $exception = $renderer->render($exception); if (!headers_sent()) { http_response_code($exception->getStatusCode()); foreach ($exception->getHeaders() as $name => $value) { header($name.': '.$value, false); } } echo $exception->getAsString(); } /** * Override this method if you want to define more error enhancers. * * @return ErrorEnhancerInterface[] */ protected function getErrorEnhancers(): iterable { return [ new UndefinedFunctionErrorEnhancer(), new UndefinedMethodErrorEnhancer(), new ClassNotFoundErrorEnhancer(), ]; } /** * Cleans the trace by removing function arguments and the frames added by the error handler and DebugClassLoader. */ private function cleanTrace(array $backtrace, int $type, string &$file, int &$line, bool $throw): array { $lightTrace = $backtrace; for ($i = 0; isset($backtrace[$i]); ++$i) { if (isset($backtrace[$i]['file'], $backtrace[$i]['line']) && $backtrace[$i]['line'] === $line && $backtrace[$i]['file'] === $file) { $lightTrace = \array_slice($lightTrace, 1 + $i); break; } } if (\E_USER_DEPRECATED === $type) { for ($i = 0; isset($lightTrace[$i]); ++$i) { if (!isset($lightTrace[$i]['file'], $lightTrace[$i]['line'], $lightTrace[$i]['function'])) { continue; } if (!isset($lightTrace[$i]['class']) && 'trigger_deprecation' === $lightTrace[$i]['function']) { $file = $lightTrace[$i]['file']; $line = $lightTrace[$i]['line']; $lightTrace = \array_slice($lightTrace, 1 + $i); break; } } } if (class_exists(DebugClassLoader::class, false)) { for ($i = \count($lightTrace) - 2; 0 < $i; --$i) { if (DebugClassLoader::class === ($lightTrace[$i]['class'] ?? null)) { array_splice($lightTrace, --$i, 2); } } } if (!($throw || $this->scopedErrors & $type)) { for ($i = 0; isset($lightTrace[$i]); ++$i) { unset($lightTrace[$i]['args'], $lightTrace[$i]['object']); } } return $lightTrace; } /** * Parse the error message by removing the anonymous class notation * and using the parent class instead if possible. */ private function parseAnonymousClass(string $message): string { return preg_replace_callback('/[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][\\\\a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*+@anonymous\x00.*?\.php(?:0x?|:[0-9]++\$)[0-9a-fA-F]++/', static function ($m) { return class_exists($m[0], false) ? (get_parent_class($m[0]) ?: key(class_implements($m[0])) ?: 'class').'@anonymous' : $m[0]; }, $message); } } Home - Turnverein Dornstetten e.V.

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Turnverein 1882 Dornstetten e. V.

Herzlich Willkommen auf der Seite des TV Dornstetten!

Seit 1882 bietet der TV Dornstetten zahlreiche Sportangebote, einen sozialen Treffpunkt und gemeinsame Veranstaltungen für den Großraum Dornstetten.

  • Turnen
  • Leichtathletik
  • Fitness
  • Gesundheits- und Seniorensport
  • Volleyball
  • Tischtennis

Präventions- und Schutzkonzept

Projekt Verein 2030

Mobilität, Globalisierung, New Work oder Urbanisierung - Megatrends, die unsere Gesellschaft prägen.

Auch der TV 1882 Dornstetten muss sich diesen Herausforderungen stellen. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Schwäbischen Turnerbund hat der Verein daher ein einzigartiges Projekt gestartet – Verein 2030.

Ziel des Projektes:
Wir wappnen uns für die Megatrends und ergreifen Maßnahmen, um auch in Zukunft ein attraktives Angebot für unsere Mitglieder und die Bevölkerung anbieten zu können. Wir analysieren die Struktur des Vereins, sein Angebot, das öffentliche Auftreten sowie Kooperationen mit verschiedenen Trägern aus der Region in Projektgruppen. Dieses spannende Projekt bietet in den kommenden 10 Jahren einen tiefen Einblick in die Arbeit und Wandlungsfähigkeit des Vereins.

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TV Dornstetten e.V.
IBAN: DE40 6426 2408 0061 3740 08
BIC: GENODES1VDS, Voba Dornstetten



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